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Grade 10 - Computer studies

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  1. Introduction

    1.1 Data representation (Sample)
    1 Topic
    1 Quiz
  2. Welcome to Computer Science (O level)
    2 Topics
  3. Paper 1: Theory of Computer Science
    1.1 Data representation
    14 Topics
    11 Quizzes
  4. 1.2 Communication and Internet Technologies
    6 Topics
    4 Quizzes
  5. 1.3 Hardware and Software
    11 Topics
    10 Quizzes
  6. 1.4 Security
    1 Topic
    1 Quiz
  7. 1.5 Ethics
    1 Topic
    1 Quiz
  8. 1.6 Automated and Emerging Technologies
    2 Topics
Lesson 1, Topic 1
In Progress

1.1.1 Binary systems – What are Binary digits?

Jonathan Cotte January 29, 2022
Lesson Progress
0% Complete

Learning Objective(s):

  • recognise the use of binary numbers in computer systems


Human perceive information as an analogue signal whereas computers and machine perceive it as a digital signal.

The computer then needs to convert digital signals into analogue signals so that human can understand and vice versa.

Analogue data information is continuous, like temperature or time.

Digital data uses discrete values (0 and 1) also called binary digits and therefore are not as accurate as analogue datas.

In the next topic we will dig deeper in Bytes and what is it.